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Wireshark tid-bit: Packets larger than the MTU size.. why, how?

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Ever so often when I was doing some packet analysis I would come across systems that were sending packets larger the Ethernet MTU of the segment. Or so I thought those packets were getting transmitted, eventually I finally figured out why I was seeing packets with an increased packet size.

The answer was large segment/send offload (LSO) – When this feature is enabled it is the responsibility of NIC Hardware to chop up the data ensuring why it conforms to the MTU of media/network segment.



Now that we know why we are seeing these large packets, the next part of the question is how are we seeing these large packets in Wireshark. Well, Wireshark relies on WinPCAP or LibPCAP depending on your platform, these two tools capture the packets just before the packets hit the NIC Card and get transferred to the actual network.



The above image is from, showing the kernel level NPF just above NIC Drive, thus explaining how Wireshark is able to see the larger traffic. Before it hits the NIC Driver and gets segmented due to its LSO capabilities.

Winpcap/Libpcap Architecture – Winpcap Internals



Written by Stephen J. Occhiogrosso

November 25, 2014 at 9:00 AM

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  1. […] more love in regards to up updates and being actively worked on. A while back I did a look at how Winpcap interacts with the NIC cards and captures packets, Even though Npcap is based off Winpcap I am curious to see […]

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